Toubkal Trekking is a local Adventure Travel company based in Marrakech.

The company was founded by a group of Mountain guides from Toubkal area led by Mustapha Bouinbaden who is actually the driving force behind the Toubkal Trekking company.

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  wandelen in het atlasgebergte in marokko Met gemiddeld 3 uur vliegen biedt Marokko een verandering van omgeving om uw grafische kaart te verzadigen. Hiking in Morocco. Overal blauw, overal mooi, met hier en daar wolken zo groot als ballonnen en net onder velden van kronkelende tarwe, duinen die mompelen en zonsondergangen om schapen te hertekenen. In het Marokkaanse Atlasgebergte dat op een zuidwest/noordoost-as het land doorkruist, is er geen souk, geen keizerlijke steden of eindeloos onderhandelen. Eerder de clinch met een dominant karakter

Many people ask the following question: how long does it take to climb toubkal?   It is one of the frequently asked questions. In fact, mount toubkal 4167m can be reached in at least 2 days from Marrakech. So, on the first day you get picked up from Marrakech city and drive towards the high atlas mountains, namely to Imlil valley 1740m which is considered as the main trailhead of treks to Mt Toubkal. It takes 1h30 drive from Marrakech to Imlil.

climb mount toubkal in 2 days   Do you know that you can climb mount toubkal in 2 days from Marrakech?   Yes, it is really possible to do a Toubkal Trek from Marrakech in just 2 days. An amazing trekking in Atlas Mountains. It will take only 1h30 drive from Marrakech city to Imlil valley 1740m which is situated in the high atlas occidental. Once you get to this beautiful valley called ( le petit Chamonix du Maroc), you start trekking towards the