Toubkal Trekking is a local Adventure Travel company based in Marrakech.

The company was founded by a group of Mountain guides from Toubkal area led by Mustapha Bouinbaden who is actually the driving force behind the Toubkal Trekking company.

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Toubkal Trekking

Surfing Morocco waves on the Atlantic coast sounds really interesting to surfers. Why Surfing Morocco waves is interesting? The quality of the waves is exceptional. Small or big, depending on the conditions and the spots, they are suitable for all surfers. The waves that form on the side are regular, soft and easy to handle. For beginners, intermediates and advanced. By favoring the coasts near Agadir, which are less windy and therefore more suitable for surfing. Nice detail, the water is not that

Explore Morocco mountains on foot or by bike during your stay. Morocco has 4 mountain ranges: the High Atlas, the Middle Atlas, the Anti Atlas and the Rif. 1- High Atlas range This mountain range is the highest massif in North Africa, it stretches over more than 700km, and rises to 4,167m above sea level with Mount Toubkal. This is the massif that attracts the most visitors, already because it is very close to Marrakech, and secondly because there are many sporting activities

We offer a wide range of Morocco golf packages especially in Marrakech city. With an impressive number and variety of courses, Morocco is an ideal destination for golfers of all skill levels. Golf package vacations go hand in hand with the typical winter sun and the Moroccan family getaways available on the market. The country can boast of having several courses open to both club members and visiting players. You will recognize places in Marrakech in particular. Morocco is famous for its

We run Morocco luxury tours from Marrakech city. Morocco is a country of incredible wealth just 3 to 4 hours by plane from Europe. It is a kaleidoscope of images and sensations that are forever imbued with travelers' memories. Think of mythical cities like Fez and deep blue ceramics, Marrakech and the famous Jemma El F’na square, Essaouira and the gnaoua festival, Ouarzazate and the kasbahs at the gateway to the desert. Taste Moroccan hospitality with the hammam ritual, tea tasting,

We organize Morocco student tours from Marrakech city. Choose to go on a trip in Morocco to discover a new culture and a new living environment. The holiday stays in Morocco that we offer are made up of cultural discoveries, meetings with the population and fun activities. With our company, live a new experience of staying abroad! During your tour in Morocco, you will have the opportunity to define with the rest of the group the activities that compose it.

We have amazing family Morocco tour to discover great places in Morocco such as the high atlas mountains, Sahara desert dunes, Marrakech and other ancient cities such as Fez, Rabat and Meknes. Our tours in Morocco range from day trips , 2 days and up to longer tours. Our best activities are hiking trips to Mount Toubkal which is the highest peak in North Africa and in Morocco. Our treks range from 2 days hiking tours out to 10 days hikes. During

We run very special Morocco tours for women. Women only tours is a growing trend worldwide. We offer a wide range of tours in Morocco, personally curated experiences that have all the ingredients of a well-deserved vacation and adventure expeditions to amazing places in morocco such as the Atlas mountains, Sahara desert, and the ancient cities. We organize hiking trips in the high atlas mountains for women. Our trekking tours range from day trips, 2 days treks up to longer trekking trips

Tai puiki 5 dienų žygių Maroke patirtis. Jūs žygiuosite po nuostabius berberų kaimus ir slėnius aukštuose atlaso kalnuose netoli Marakešo miesto. Žygį baigsite užkopę į 4167 m kalną toubkal, kuri yra aukščiausia viršūnė Šiaurės Afrikoje ir Maroke. Žygio Maroke maršrutas yra toks: Pirmą dieną, mūsų vairuotojas pasiims jus iš jūsų apgyvendinimo Marakeše. Tada važiuojate link aukštų atlaso kalnų. Tai užtruks 1 valandą 30 minučių. Nuvykę ten pasitiks mūsų vietinė komanda. Po arbatos pertraukos pradėsite žygius link Tizi n’Tacht perėjos. Kelionė į kalną užtruks

Tämä on hämmästyttävä korkea valitun Trek, jossa löydät erilaisia ​​berberikyliä ja laaksoja korkeilla atlasvuorilla ennen kuin kiipeät toubkal -vuorelle viimeisinä päivinä. Korkean atlasretken reitti on seuraava: Ensimmäisenä päivänä sinut noudetaan majoituksestasi Marrakechissa. Sitten ajaa Oukaimeden 2600m, joka on Afrikan ainoa hiihtokeskus. Se kestää 2h ajomatkan. Kun pääset sinne, paikallinen tiimimme tapaa sinut. Tämän jälkeen lähdet vaellukselle kohti Tizi n’Eddi -soittoa 2928 m, josta näet upeat näkymät Imnanen laaksoon. Lounas matkalla. Myöhemmin jatkat kävelyä alamäkeen kohti Tachedirtin kylää, jossa yövyt mökillä. Seuraava päivä; aamiaisen

Mene 3 päivän Toubkal -nousuun Marrakechista. Ylität korkeat kulkut ja laaksot ennen kuin kiipeät toubkal -vuorelle viimeisenä päivänä. Toubkalin nousureitti on seuraava: Ensimmäisenä päivänä kuljettajamme noutaa sinut majoituspaikastasi Marrakechissa varhain aamulla. Aja kohti Imlil -laaksoa, joka on vaelluksesi lähtökohta. Se kestää 1h30 ajomatkan. Kun pääset sinne, paikallinen tiimimme tapaa sinut. Sitten lähdet vaellukselle Azib Tamsoultin turvapaikkaan, jossa vietät yön. Ohitat Tizi Mzikin passin 2489 m, josta voit nauttia erittäin kauniista näkymistä imlil -laaksoon. Jatka kävelyä alamäkeen Azib Tamsoultille. Kävely kestää noin 5